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Found 87 results for the keyword first united. Time 0.011 seconds.
First United Methodist Church of Phoenixville865 S. Main St., Phoenixville, PA 19460
Community Garden First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleEach summer, volunteers in our community garden grow vegetables that are shared through the food pantry at Phoenixville Area Community Services (PACS) or served at our Community Dinners.
Events First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleSorting food for Phoenixville Area Community Services
Kitchen Ministry First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleEach month, usually on the second Sunday, we hold a Community Dinner from 4:30 to 5:30. We offer both a pick-up and a sit-down option, with a chance to enjoy a meal with others in Fellowship Hall. There is no charge, t
Midweek Learning First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleA women’s Bible Study is held on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the church library.
Musical Ministry First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleMusic is an important part of our life together. It can both express what is in our souls, with or without words, and speak to us in ways that the heart hears. We welcome people of all ages and skill levels to take par
Welcome First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleA distinctive feature of Methodist theology is a belief in “prevenient grace”, which means that the Holy Spirit works in people’s hearts and souls all throughout their lives, opening every human to the awareness of God’s
Resources for Growing Justice First United Methodist Church of PhoenHere are some resources for learning and for action.
Our Missionaries First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleWe are Partners in Mission with Mutwale Wa Mushidi and Kabaka Alphonsine, United Methodist missionaries in Tanzania. You can read more about their ministry here.
Partners First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleBaptism is a moment when we celebrate birth - not simply the birth of a child, but the birth that comes when we enter (as a child or as an adult) into life lived with Jesus Christ. It is not a magical ceremony, but a mo
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